As We Come (Ini Waktunya) Chords and Lyrics – Symphony Worship

It’s time for the world to know Your name
It’s time for the world to feel Your love
It’s time for the world to receive Your grace
It’s time that the Hope will not let down

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Lirik & Chord Lagu Diam Di HadiratMu – Symphony Worship

P’nuhi hatiku dengan hadir-Mu
Ku rindu memandang wajah-Mu oh Tuhan
Di dalam kekudusan-Mu
Bawaku dekat dalam hati-Mu
Ku rindu mendengar suara-Mu oh Tuhan
Di tempat kudus-Mu s’karang

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Lirik & Chord Lagu Ku Bersyukur Bapa – Symphony Worship

Banyak yang Kau perbuat di dalam hidupku
Rancangan indah-Mu terjadi di hidupku
Bapa yang mengerti segala yang ku perlu
Kasih-Mu sempurna nyata dalam hidupku

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Jesus You Have Set Me Free Chords and Lyrics – Symphony Worship

Jesus You lived, Jesus You died
And You rose again on high
And I will live, living for Christ
And declare that I am Yours
(And declare that I am Yours)

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Lirik & Chord Lagu Ya Roh Kudus / Urapilah – Symphony Worship

Ya Roh Kudus berhembus s’karang
Berhembuslah di tempat ini
Mengalirkan Roh-Mu, membawa kuasa-Mu
Ya Roh Kudus hadir di sini

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Lirik & Chord Lagu HadiratMu – Symphony Worship

Tuhan hadir di bait kudus-Nya
Saat umat mencari wajah-Nya
Berseru, berdoa, bersujud menyembah
Dan menikmati kehadiran-Nya

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