Yang Perlu Diketahui Pemusik Pengiring Gerejawi

Yang Perlu Diketahui Pemusik Pengiring Gerejawi

  • Tujuan menjadi pemusik pengiring adalah : membantu jemaat datang lebih dekat pada Tuhan melalui permainan musik kita. Dengan cara apa? Bukan hanya teknik bermain yang baik, tapi juga bermain dengan hati. Bagaimana bisa bermain dengan hati? Beberapa pemusik bermain sambil menyanyikan lagunya. Tapi itu tidak mutlak. Temukan cara anda sendiri.
  • Melibatkan banyak suara instrumen itu lebih baik dibanding hanya 1-2 jenis instrumen. Bisa melalui pelibatan orang yang banyak dengan intrumen bermacam-macam. Kalau di keyboard, bisa dengan mengaktifkan accompaniment dan pemilihan sound yang bervariasi (flute, guitar, brass, strings, dll). Tapi hal ini tidak berarti semua suara instrumen harus aktif setiap saat, dan di setiap lagu. Ini akan melelahkan telinga pendengar. Biarkan beberapa bagian tetap sederhana, dengan hanya 1 suara instrumen, misalkan suara piano saja, atau gitar saja. Atau tanpa instrumen sama sekali pun tidaklah buruk. Ini akan memberikan istirahat pada telinga jemaat. Kita bisa ikut bernyanyi ketika sedang tidak bermain.
  • Frekuensi latihan tentu mempengaruhi performance. Tidak bisa disebutkan berapa jumlah latihan yang ideal. Yang jelas, berlatihlah sampai anda yakin anda hafal, dan permainan anda tidak menyiksa kuping jemaat ketika tampil.
  • Berdoa sebelum tampil. Berbagai “mukjizat” dialami pemusik karena mereka berdoa meminta pimpinan Tuhan. IA mengendalikan pikiran kita sehingga tetap konsentrasi. Kita memang bisa tetap tampil baik tanpa meminta pertolongan Tuhan, tapi pada saat itu kita sedang melepaskan ketergantungan kita pada Tuhan.

Semoga artikel ini bermanfaat, khususnya bagi yang ingin atau sudah menjadi pemusik pengiring gerejawi. Pembahasan lebih dalam mengenai feeling dalam bermusik dapat dibaca di artikel Feeling dan Filling dalam Musik”.

Lihat juga  Menuju Penggenapan

Tuhan memberkati pelayanan kita semua.

Artikel oleh Kidung.com
Diterjemahkan oleh Fillius Patria Theodia


Facts Church Music Accompanist Should Know

  • The main purpose of being an accompanist: to help the congregation come closer to God through the music we play. This could be done not only with the proper techniques of playing the instruments but also to play each instruments from the heart – that is, to have our hearts poured out to God through our fingers on the fingerboard in the same way we do to sing. In doing so, some may prefer to sing along with the tune. You do not have to sing along; one should find whatever ways suits them best.
  • To involve as much musical instruments as possible is better than just one or two; one can find a whole orchestra to accompany the worship far more enjoyable than just a piano and a guitar. On an electric keyboard, for example, one can activate the built-in accompaniment and choose a variety of tunes – ranging from flute to guitar to drums – to make each song more colorful. This, however, does not mean that each of these varieties should be activated in together at once; by doing so it would instead be heard more like noises than a song. The best way is to leave some parts simple; filling each bar with only one type of instrument – the guitar for the first 5 musical bars and the piano for the next is a good combination. Going without any instruments is also advisable; this will give the congregation a little time to ‘rest’ away from the instruments and enjoys the lyrics of the song. We can also join them in singing while our fingers ‘rests’.
  • “Practice makes perfect”; this statement strongly applies here. How many times we practice is directly proportional to how good we perform on the day. One cannot simply define the ideal number of practice required; keep practicing until you are sure that you are good – that you can play each song “from the heart” without looking at the music sheet – and that the song we play would really be music to their ears.
  • Finally, prayer comes before performance. A lot of ‘miracles’ can be felt by the accompanist when they ask for His guidance. He is the one Who controls our thoughts and help us concentrate. One can play well without the guidance of the lord, but that is then when one lets go of his/her dependence on God and relies on our own self. So before you perform, pray.
Lihat juga  Feeling Dan Filling Dalam Musik

Hopefully this article was useful, especially for those who want to become or already a church music accompanist. More explanation about feeling in music can be read in “Feelings and Fillings in Music”.

God bless our ministry.

Article by Kidung.com
Translated by Fillius Patria Theodia


  1. Marlon Rabinto says

    Sy pemain musik piano (pemula) di gereja kami,
    sy kagum dengan arahan di atas, tetapi sy kesulitan, bagaimana cara/trik agar sy bisa tampil tenang di hadapan jemaat Tuhan,
    terima kasih, God bless .. !!

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